Legalchain Ethcc 2023
25 juillet 2023

Legalchain EthCC 2023: de-coding crypto assets regulation with legal experts

En collaboration avec KLNF, ORWL_est tres fier d’avoir organisé le principal side event juridique de l’Ethereum Community Conference (EthCC) dédié aux experts juridiques du secteur.

Programme de l’événement (en anglais) :

[16:00 – 16:30] The future of regulation in Europe, the UK and the US – a comparative analysis: Stéphanie Cabossorias, Executive Director and General Counsel @Binance France; Leïla Nassiri-Jamet, Chief Legal Officer @Ramp Network; Morgane Fournel Reicher, Associate @Kramer Levin; William O’Rorke, Partner in regulatory @ORWL_.

[16:35 – 17:05] Criminal and civil liability of crypto project developers: Romain Chilly, Partner in litigation @ ORWL_ ; Marie Lepoivre Marcillat, Associate in Litigation @Kramer Levin Paris ; Alexandre Eich Gozzi, Private sector Leader France, Chainalysis; Other speakers to be announced.

[17:10 – 17:40] Taxation in a decentralized context: Vasilia Kratsios, Head of CR at @Integral ; Alexandre Lourimi, Tax partner @ORWL_ ; other speakers to be announced.

[17:45 – 18:15] DeFi regulation – What is at stake? : Jérémy Fluxman, General Counsel @MorphoLabs ; Karan Aswani, Chief Legal Officer @Gnosis, Tom Marshall, Associate at CMS London; Victor Charpiat, Associate @Kramer Levin.

[1 8:15 p.m.] Afterwork


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